Monday, 7 October 2013

Misty Sky Re-Release is now in business! Good luck to...

Misty Sky Re-Release is now in business! Good luck to everyone!

(Sorry for the inconvenience, but Tokyo Pirates is already booked for at least one main item)

via Tumblr


  1. Hello, does that mean that you are unable to get any other main pieces from this series? (i.e. they have a 1 main piece limit just like they did for Holy Lantern?) Thanks~

  2. Hello, I checked with staff, and actually it turns out that they will be allowing up to two for the re-release, then if there are any left it will be a free-for-all. I doubt there will be much/any left though. >.< I'm sorry though that I actually have a long line of reservations now so I wouldn't be able to get more anyway unfortunately. :(

  3. That's okay, thank you just the same! ^^
