Monday, 14 July 2014

New Wishlist System

I will be using a new website for wishlists! Now anyone and everyone can make wishlists for free!

Just upload the items you want to the website and title the album “Lolita Wishlist”. Don’t forget to add the brand name (e.g. Angelic Pretty) and the name of the item (e.g. Musee du Chocolat One Piece in green). You can title it as whatever you like, but the more information you put, the more it gives me to go on when I’m out shopping. If I see anything you have on your wishlist in store, I’ll contact you to let you know (if more than one person has it, it will be first come, first served).


You can check the website out here -

It’s a place where you can also display your own collections, see other people’s collections, favourite other people’s items and potentially use for trading/selling. You’ll be able to see how many people want what you have which is pretty useful for closet cleaning. ;) You’ll also be able to describe/give reviews on your own items which will be helpful for others (similar to lolibrary but with more emphasis on you and your personal collection).

In short, I think this will be an excellent website for far more than wishlists and we should get the lolita community on here. (^_^) It’s not limited to lolitas of course! It can be used for anything you collect/want to collect - music, anime, fashion goods, specialist foods, etc.

(Please bear in mind that those who already have private and paid-for wishlists with me have the advantage of priority on their wishlist items as well as the benefit of me viewing their items regularly. Unfortunately, due to too much demand I can’t offer this service to more. Sorry for the inconvenience!)

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